Differences Between Online and Offline Advertisements (Classified Ads)
Lallabi Admin   27.Dec.2017

Differences Between Online and Offline Advertisements (Classified Ads)

We all know that internet world is growing fast and most of the people are addicted to internet. Most of the time we are using internet to check emails, to search for new information, to buy products, to chit chat with near and dear, and also to promote their products or business in multiple ways. Few years back most of the business people were using offline medium to promote their business by publishing in different newspapers, magazines, and also by using multiple hoardings. Later the conversion in offline marketing or offline advertising became very less. You can understand the situation in this digital life. So many people started using internet/online to promote their business. Here we will discuss the differences between online and offline advertisements.

Check out advantages of online classified ads in India

Raising brand awareness and improving sales are the two major priorities to do advertisements. In general there are two types of advertisements. They are online and offline. Before going to discuss the differences between online and offline, everyone should be aware about online and offline advertising strategies. Here I am giving a brief description about online offline advertisements.

Online Advertisements (Marketing):  The main goal of online advertisements is to attract the attention of the customers on their products and business. To get attention, in general people starts using banners, articles, videos, images, flash, animation and many more activities to get attention. In general people will start advertising their products on the front page of their website. Website (Blog), social media, email marketing, SEO, Content marketing, classifieds are main online advertising activities.

Check out for the Free Indian Classified Sites for Ad Posting

Offline Advertisements (Marketing): The main target of offline markets is to improve brand awareness of products to reach maximum people and to get maximum number of leads. There are many offline marketing channels like Radio, Newspapers, brochures, television, flex, hoardings, banners, pamphlets and many more.

According to few surveys conducted by industry experts, many people are looking for free online classified advertisements in the internet. Especially for client related ads and job related ads. Most of the job seekers and clients are reaching for online ads than offline. Here we will discuss the differences between online classifieds and offline classifieds.

  • Placing classified ads in internet will save our time than offline advertisements.
  • Online classified ads have the more visibility than offline advertisers. With online classifieds we can target worldwide users but with offline classifieds we can target a specific area.
  • With online classified ads, visitor can check and will visit our business page or product page by clicking the ad link, but with offline classifieds it is not possible.
  • Offline classifieds are more expensive than online classified ads. There are many online portals allowing posting free online classified ads.
  • There is no chance to edit the ad in offline, but with online classifieds you can edit your ad at any time.
  • While doing offline classified we have to focus only on few things but with online classifieds we have to check site authority, spam, software and many more.
  • There is no chance to analyze the classified ads with offline ads, but in online you will have a full access.
  • With online classifieds you can track how many people subscribes, how many visited your ad, in that how many view your ad, in that how many clicked you ad and you can pay only for the clicks. But with offline classified ads this is not possible.

Click here to know Tips to write a great online classified ad

With the above analysis we can state that there are multiple benefits with online advertisements and there only few benefits with offline advertisements. So while going for classified ads better to choose both strategies but spend more for online classifieds. You can use 80-20 principle for online and offline classifieds to get more sales. Just focus on creativity and time and analyze which works as efficient for your business and products and choose the strategy for your classified ads.


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